救いについての大いなる誤解 #1/The Great Misconception About Salvation #1











その日には、多くの者が、わたしにむかって『主よ、主よ、わたしたちはあなたの名によって預言したではありませんか。また、あなたの名によって悪霊を追い出し、あなたの名によって多くの力あるわざを行ったではありませんか』と言うであろう。そのとき、わたしは彼らにはっきり、こう言おう、『あなたがたを全く知らない。不法を働く者どもよ、行ってしまえ』。  マタイによる福音書7章21-23節





エスは言われた、「なぜわたしをよき者と言うのか。神ひとりのほかによい者はいない。 いましめはあなたの知っているとおりである。『殺すな、姦淫するな、盗むな、偽証を立てるな。欺き取るな。父と母とを敬え』」。 すると、彼は言った、「先生、それらの事はみな、小さい時から守っております」。


すると、彼はこの言葉を聞いて、顔を曇らせ、悲しみながら立ち去った。たくさんの資産を持っていたからである。 それから、イエスは見まわして、弟子たちに言われた、「財産のある者が神の国にはいるのは、なんとむずかしいことであろう」。 

弟子たちはこの言葉に驚き怪しんだ。イエスは更に言われた、「子たちよ、神の国にはいるのは、なんとむずかしいことであろう。 富んでいる者が神の国にはいるよりは、らくだが針の穴を通る方が、もっとやさしい」。 

すると彼らはますます驚いて、互に言った、「それでは、だれが救われることができるのだろう」。 (マルコによる福音書10章17-27節)













Many people who grew up in Christian homes apparently do not know where they came to believe in God. When they are children, the greatest people to follow are their parents, and if they go to church and see that their parents and the adults around them believe in the Bible, it is unlikely that they will ever question the Bible. If they do not rebel against their parents, they will become Christians who go to church without any reason.

I was the same way.

All a Christian needs to do is believe. Salvation is a gift (=grace) from God given by believing. When I was 15 years old at a youth camp, I thought to myself, "What the Bible says seems to be true, so I'll believe it. As for my own sins, I was only aware that (I must be a sinner because I have lied to myself too).

(I have lied before, so I must be a sinner. Then, I made a decision of faith and was baptized. After being baptized, I thought to myself, "I don't feel anything has changed. I continued to go to church and sing hymns just as I had done in the past. He was doing these things "because the Bible says so, and to get salvation. There was no joy in his life of faith.

He continued to follow the path that he thought was best for him, and as a result, he despaired of his life. Although he wanted to help others, he came to know the darkness of society and the domination of the devil. (For more details, see the second part of his autobiography.) For two years, he searched for a solution, but he never found one. And when he gave up, thinking that his life was like garbage, unable to produce any change, he decided to consult a trusted church friend as a last resort. I had been going to church for over 20 years and had heard about the love of Christ many times. So what is there that I don't already know? I thought, but I prayed to know more about it and see what might happen. And a month later I was to experience it.

It was a life-changing moment. I realized how far I had strayed from God's path and how God had been patient with me for years, but had also reached out to save me. I had never experienced such love. I felt that this love certainly had the power to save all people. I clearly felt that I had died to my old self and received a new life.

After that, I began to think that all people must know this salvation. However, from my own experience, the first people I want to tell about this salvation are the second generation of Christians in the church, the cold Christians and their leaders. In light of the Scriptures, it is highly doubtful that they are "saved.


There are some definitive verses in this regard.

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will be in heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven.

In that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And have we not cast out demons in your name, and have we not done many mighty works in your name? Then I will say to them plainly, 'I do not know you at all. Go away, you workers of iniquity!  Matthew 7:21-23


In this passage, it is important to note that these people "knew that Jesus was God, and they performed miracles such as prophesying and casting out demons. Clearly, "believing Jesus is God" is not enough to be saved. There are other similar verses.


As Jesus went out into the street, a man ran up to Him, knelt down before Him, and asked, "Good Master, what must I do to receive eternal life?

Jesus said, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone. The commandments are as you know them. Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness. Do not commit adultery, do not commit theft, do not bear false witness, and do not defraud. Honor your father and your mother. Then he said, "Master, I have kept all these things from my youth.

 Jesus looked at him and said with compassion, "There is one thing you lack. Go back and sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.

And when he heard these words, his face clouded over and he went away sad. He left with sorrow, for he had many possessions. Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it is for a man of wealth to enter the kingdom of God!

The disciples were astonished and doubtful at these words. Jesus went on to say, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

And they were more and more astonished, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved? (Mark 10:17-27)


Why is Jesus saying here, "How difficult it is for the rich to be saved"? When the disciples hear this, they say, "Who then can be saved? Why is it that Jesus was so fond of the young man? Because he is not saved. The young man knew Jesus was his "teacher" and was seeking eternal life. How did this happen?


In light of the above, I will discuss in the next article what are the conditions for salvation.