私の未来像と情熱 / My Vision and Passion












もう一つは、霊の戦い(Spiritual Warfare)、あるいは、霊の領土戦争(Territorial Warfare)と呼ばれるものである。(Spiritual Warfareという語は、内面的な葛藤にも使われるので、ここでは霊の領土戦争と呼ぶ)。ダニエル書で、大天使ミカエルが”ペルシャの君は倒せたが、後にギリシャの君がやってくる”とダニエルに告げた。この”君”という単語は、”支配者”という意味であり、ペルシャの君は天使と戦ったことから、ペルシャを支配する堕天使であることが分かる。歴史的にみても、バビロン周辺はペルシャの支配から、ギリシャの支配へと移っていく。ダニエルがイスラエルの国のために祈り、結果的にペルシャの堕天使を倒したように、私たちも地域を支配する堕天使(あるいは悪霊)と戦うようにして祈れば、その地域の人々を霊的に開放することができる。そして、宣教も実りが多く見られるというのが、霊の領土戦争の見方である。自伝において、私がモーセと自分に共通点を見出して、伝道師の召命を受けたことは説明した。そのモーセが行ったことも、霊の領土戦争である。彼は、その土地を支配する王に災害をもたらした。最終的に、それが人々の大規模な開放へと繋がったわけである。だから、私もこの霊の領土戦争に召されていると思う。















As for his vision of his future and his passions, 90% of them are probably as he imagined them after reading his autobiography.

In a nutshell, it is to strike as great a blow as possible to the kingdom built by the Devil, the enemy of mankind, and to lead as many people as possible to heaven. What is indispensable for this is what is called revival, the great turning of the people. Looking at the world situation, I believe that in order to save people from the plans of the enemy, ordinary missionary work will not be enough in time. (That is clear from the statistics that have been calculated). Also, building and running a church in one area is not what I am looking for. I want to see righteousness triumphant. That is revival.

Historically, there have been a number of revivals, but most of them have been short-lived. The reason for this is that the work of the Holy Spirit stopped due to the mistakes of men, such as doctrinal divisions and wrong choices of leaders. I believe that this end-time revival will be the fruit of the wisdom of the past and will be close to the completion system. I believe that God's people are built to win and that the maintenance of revival is part of that victory. Currently, Reinhard Bonnke has seen revival in Africa for decades. He believes the same can happen in Asia and Europe.


Crusade from Reinhard Bonnke

What is essential for sustaining revival. There is no doubt that it is a relationship with God. But there are other legacies that humanity has acquired that are also auxiliary and useful. One is that of building a heavenly culture. Jesus said, "Let your kingdom come. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven." He taught them to pray. The Kingdom of God is not just about the Church. It also includes a culture based on love and truth. Currently, there are some cultures that are clearly hindering the gospel. For example, the theory of evolution. Others, such as abortion. These should be overturned, not only because "we are God-loving Christians", but also "because they are not based on truth and do harm to others". Bringing about the Kingdom of God can be said to be replacing the falsehoods in society with the truth. As I wrote in my autobiography, the enemy has made falsehood the norm in all areas, including education, politics and medicine. It is time to overturn it. Once people realise that evolution is a lie, they will begin to realise how they were born, how this world was created, and realise that this world was created by someone else. When this happens, the gospel is far easier to spread.





The other is called Spiritual Warfare or Territorial Warfare. (The term Spiritual Warfare is also used for inner conflicts, so here it is called Spiritual Territorial Warfare.) In the Book of Daniel, the Archangel Michael tells Daniel, "You of Persia have been defeated, but you of Greece will come later". The word "you" means "ruler", and the fact that the Persian you fought against an angel indicates that he was a fallen angel who ruled over Persia. Historically, the area around Babylon moved from Persian rule to Greek rule. Just as Daniel prayed for the nation of Israel and consequently defeated the fallen angels of Persia, we can spiritually liberate the people of the area if we pray against the fallen angels (or demons) that rule the area. The view of the territorial warfare of the spirit is that missionary work can also be seen to be highly fruitful. In my autobiography, I explained that I found similarities between myself and Moses and received the call to be an evangelist. What that Moses did was also a territorial war of the spirit. He brought disaster to the king who ruled the land. Ultimately, that led to a massive liberation of the people. So I think I am also called to this territorial war of the spirits.



So far, this is what I know at the moment, "my vision of the future and my passion". But I came to this point because I saw my brother with a disability and wanted to help others, because I saw my best friend with a mental illness, and because I felt the problems of schooling from my experience in a homeschooled kindergarten. Also, as I learnt what could be done to restore Japan's economy, I learnt that Japan's identity had been stolen from it. Now I don't know,

Support for the socially vulnerable

Support for the mentally ill

Restoration of Japan's identity

will also be the axis of my activities in the future. In my life of faith so far, I have found that God has buried various treasures in my life. And I am still in the process of giving them to me. The Bible is not just a book about the cross, and life is not just about getting saved and keeping it. God is always at work, preparing new paths for us.