救いについての大いなる誤解 #1/The Great Misconception About Salvation #1











その日には、多くの者が、わたしにむかって『主よ、主よ、わたしたちはあなたの名によって預言したではありませんか。また、あなたの名によって悪霊を追い出し、あなたの名によって多くの力あるわざを行ったではありませんか』と言うであろう。そのとき、わたしは彼らにはっきり、こう言おう、『あなたがたを全く知らない。不法を働く者どもよ、行ってしまえ』。  マタイによる福音書7章21-23節





エスは言われた、「なぜわたしをよき者と言うのか。神ひとりのほかによい者はいない。 いましめはあなたの知っているとおりである。『殺すな、姦淫するな、盗むな、偽証を立てるな。欺き取るな。父と母とを敬え』」。 すると、彼は言った、「先生、それらの事はみな、小さい時から守っております」。


すると、彼はこの言葉を聞いて、顔を曇らせ、悲しみながら立ち去った。たくさんの資産を持っていたからである。 それから、イエスは見まわして、弟子たちに言われた、「財産のある者が神の国にはいるのは、なんとむずかしいことであろう」。 

弟子たちはこの言葉に驚き怪しんだ。イエスは更に言われた、「子たちよ、神の国にはいるのは、なんとむずかしいことであろう。 富んでいる者が神の国にはいるよりは、らくだが針の穴を通る方が、もっとやさしい」。 

すると彼らはますます驚いて、互に言った、「それでは、だれが救われることができるのだろう」。 (マルコによる福音書10章17-27節)













Many people who grew up in Christian homes apparently do not know where they came to believe in God. When they are children, the greatest people to follow are their parents, and if they go to church and see that their parents and the adults around them believe in the Bible, it is unlikely that they will ever question the Bible. If they do not rebel against their parents, they will become Christians who go to church without any reason.

I was the same way.

All a Christian needs to do is believe. Salvation is a gift (=grace) from God given by believing. When I was 15 years old at a youth camp, I thought to myself, "What the Bible says seems to be true, so I'll believe it. As for my own sins, I was only aware that (I must be a sinner because I have lied to myself too).

(I have lied before, so I must be a sinner. Then, I made a decision of faith and was baptized. After being baptized, I thought to myself, "I don't feel anything has changed. I continued to go to church and sing hymns just as I had done in the past. He was doing these things "because the Bible says so, and to get salvation. There was no joy in his life of faith.

He continued to follow the path that he thought was best for him, and as a result, he despaired of his life. Although he wanted to help others, he came to know the darkness of society and the domination of the devil. (For more details, see the second part of his autobiography.) For two years, he searched for a solution, but he never found one. And when he gave up, thinking that his life was like garbage, unable to produce any change, he decided to consult a trusted church friend as a last resort. I had been going to church for over 20 years and had heard about the love of Christ many times. So what is there that I don't already know? I thought, but I prayed to know more about it and see what might happen. And a month later I was to experience it.

It was a life-changing moment. I realized how far I had strayed from God's path and how God had been patient with me for years, but had also reached out to save me. I had never experienced such love. I felt that this love certainly had the power to save all people. I clearly felt that I had died to my old self and received a new life.

After that, I began to think that all people must know this salvation. However, from my own experience, the first people I want to tell about this salvation are the second generation of Christians in the church, the cold Christians and their leaders. In light of the Scriptures, it is highly doubtful that they are "saved.


There are some definitive verses in this regard.

Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will be in heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven.

In that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And have we not cast out demons in your name, and have we not done many mighty works in your name? Then I will say to them plainly, 'I do not know you at all. Go away, you workers of iniquity!  Matthew 7:21-23


In this passage, it is important to note that these people "knew that Jesus was God, and they performed miracles such as prophesying and casting out demons. Clearly, "believing Jesus is God" is not enough to be saved. There are other similar verses.


As Jesus went out into the street, a man ran up to Him, knelt down before Him, and asked, "Good Master, what must I do to receive eternal life?

Jesus said, "Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone. The commandments are as you know them. Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness. Do not commit adultery, do not commit theft, do not bear false witness, and do not defraud. Honor your father and your mother. Then he said, "Master, I have kept all these things from my youth.

 Jesus looked at him and said with compassion, "There is one thing you lack. Go back and sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.

And when he heard these words, his face clouded over and he went away sad. He left with sorrow, for he had many possessions. Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it is for a man of wealth to enter the kingdom of God!

The disciples were astonished and doubtful at these words. Jesus went on to say, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

And they were more and more astonished, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved? (Mark 10:17-27)


Why is Jesus saying here, "How difficult it is for the rich to be saved"? When the disciples hear this, they say, "Who then can be saved? Why is it that Jesus was so fond of the young man? Because he is not saved. The young man knew Jesus was his "teacher" and was seeking eternal life. How did this happen?


In light of the above, I will discuss in the next article what are the conditions for salvation.

私の未来像と情熱 / My Vision and Passion












もう一つは、霊の戦い(Spiritual Warfare)、あるいは、霊の領土戦争(Territorial Warfare)と呼ばれるものである。(Spiritual Warfareという語は、内面的な葛藤にも使われるので、ここでは霊の領土戦争と呼ぶ)。ダニエル書で、大天使ミカエルが”ペルシャの君は倒せたが、後にギリシャの君がやってくる”とダニエルに告げた。この”君”という単語は、”支配者”という意味であり、ペルシャの君は天使と戦ったことから、ペルシャを支配する堕天使であることが分かる。歴史的にみても、バビロン周辺はペルシャの支配から、ギリシャの支配へと移っていく。ダニエルがイスラエルの国のために祈り、結果的にペルシャの堕天使を倒したように、私たちも地域を支配する堕天使(あるいは悪霊)と戦うようにして祈れば、その地域の人々を霊的に開放することができる。そして、宣教も実りが多く見られるというのが、霊の領土戦争の見方である。自伝において、私がモーセと自分に共通点を見出して、伝道師の召命を受けたことは説明した。そのモーセが行ったことも、霊の領土戦争である。彼は、その土地を支配する王に災害をもたらした。最終的に、それが人々の大規模な開放へと繋がったわけである。だから、私もこの霊の領土戦争に召されていると思う。















As for his vision of his future and his passions, 90% of them are probably as he imagined them after reading his autobiography.

In a nutshell, it is to strike as great a blow as possible to the kingdom built by the Devil, the enemy of mankind, and to lead as many people as possible to heaven. What is indispensable for this is what is called revival, the great turning of the people. Looking at the world situation, I believe that in order to save people from the plans of the enemy, ordinary missionary work will not be enough in time. (That is clear from the statistics that have been calculated). Also, building and running a church in one area is not what I am looking for. I want to see righteousness triumphant. That is revival.

Historically, there have been a number of revivals, but most of them have been short-lived. The reason for this is that the work of the Holy Spirit stopped due to the mistakes of men, such as doctrinal divisions and wrong choices of leaders. I believe that this end-time revival will be the fruit of the wisdom of the past and will be close to the completion system. I believe that God's people are built to win and that the maintenance of revival is part of that victory. Currently, Reinhard Bonnke has seen revival in Africa for decades. He believes the same can happen in Asia and Europe.


Crusade from Reinhard Bonnke

What is essential for sustaining revival. There is no doubt that it is a relationship with God. But there are other legacies that humanity has acquired that are also auxiliary and useful. One is that of building a heavenly culture. Jesus said, "Let your kingdom come. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven." He taught them to pray. The Kingdom of God is not just about the Church. It also includes a culture based on love and truth. Currently, there are some cultures that are clearly hindering the gospel. For example, the theory of evolution. Others, such as abortion. These should be overturned, not only because "we are God-loving Christians", but also "because they are not based on truth and do harm to others". Bringing about the Kingdom of God can be said to be replacing the falsehoods in society with the truth. As I wrote in my autobiography, the enemy has made falsehood the norm in all areas, including education, politics and medicine. It is time to overturn it. Once people realise that evolution is a lie, they will begin to realise how they were born, how this world was created, and realise that this world was created by someone else. When this happens, the gospel is far easier to spread.





The other is called Spiritual Warfare or Territorial Warfare. (The term Spiritual Warfare is also used for inner conflicts, so here it is called Spiritual Territorial Warfare.) In the Book of Daniel, the Archangel Michael tells Daniel, "You of Persia have been defeated, but you of Greece will come later". The word "you" means "ruler", and the fact that the Persian you fought against an angel indicates that he was a fallen angel who ruled over Persia. Historically, the area around Babylon moved from Persian rule to Greek rule. Just as Daniel prayed for the nation of Israel and consequently defeated the fallen angels of Persia, we can spiritually liberate the people of the area if we pray against the fallen angels (or demons) that rule the area. The view of the territorial warfare of the spirit is that missionary work can also be seen to be highly fruitful. In my autobiography, I explained that I found similarities between myself and Moses and received the call to be an evangelist. What that Moses did was also a territorial war of the spirit. He brought disaster to the king who ruled the land. Ultimately, that led to a massive liberation of the people. So I think I am also called to this territorial war of the spirits.



So far, this is what I know at the moment, "my vision of the future and my passion". But I came to this point because I saw my brother with a disability and wanted to help others, because I saw my best friend with a mental illness, and because I felt the problems of schooling from my experience in a homeschooled kindergarten. Also, as I learnt what could be done to restore Japan's economy, I learnt that Japan's identity had been stolen from it. Now I don't know,

Support for the socially vulnerable

Support for the mentally ill

Restoration of Japan's identity

will also be the axis of my activities in the future. In my life of faith so far, I have found that God has buried various treasures in my life. And I am still in the process of giving them to me. The Bible is not just a book about the cross, and life is not just about getting saved and keeping it. God is always at work, preparing new paths for us.

To Support my mission この活動に賛同してくださる方へ

My activity in Germany are mostly based on the support from generous Christians, who have the same passion as me. By your support, I can concentrate on God's work. I truly need you in my missions. Would you be part of my mission through financial support? God bless you.



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何故私が医学部を辞めて宣教師になろうと思ったか(後編) How I decided to quit the medical school and be a missionary(Part 3)

(English Below)


カリキュラムだけでなく、学生の方も”受験の産物”という感じであった。(※これは慶應だけでないし、また学生を批難するつもりはない)。自分もそうだったが、例外なく、全員、①与えられた評価基準で序列を付けたがる(部活、交際関係、成績など)、②与えられた価値基準から抜け出すことに抵抗があって安定志向。③周りに流され、自分が命を削ってでもやりたいことをしていない。(そもそも医学部入学が流された結果ということも多い。これ故学校全体に変な無気力感が漂っている)④すべて減点方式で評価し、自己肯定感が低い、⑤自分の限界まで努力することを美徳と考えている 傾向があった。自分は、医師として最も大切なものは人を助けるための使命感だと今でも思っている。それを感じられる人は、実際そんなに多くなかった。(受験で抑圧されただけで、本来彼らはもっと使命感がある人らだと思う)。多くの人は、家が医者の家系だから、年収が高く安定した仕事だから、優等生を目指しているうちに手が届いたからという理由で医学部に入ってくる。大学入学後も、互いに比較し合い、見下し見下され、常に自分の欠点で縮こまりながら生きている。自分が特に嫌だったのは、障碍者を見下すやつが結構多かったことである。人を揶揄する時、ガイジと差別的な発言が普通にされていた。こういった惨状を目の当たりにして、自分は怒ろうという気にならなかった。まあ、こういった受験制度があれば当然だと思って、世間の無理解を嘆いていただけである。ただ、医学部というのが”人に命を与える”ための場所とは、程遠い空気であることは十分感じ取っていた。











1. 大阪梅田教会にはメイソンのシンボルがある。母団体であるイエズス会カトリック教会もメイソンとのつながりが強い。



2. 大阪梅田教会は教会でありながら、七夕を祝っており、それが何故か梅田スカイビルと協力している。梅田スカイビルにもメイソンのシンボルがある。

星は然るべく流れる | to C 別館




3. 大阪梅田教会の装飾が、キリストを賛えているようには見えず、むしろ悪魔的である。同じようなものはカトリックの中枢にもみられる。







to C: 大阪梅田教会(サクラファミリア)

この話は、にわかには信じられないが、非常に非常に興味深いと思った。もし、この主張が正しければ、①カトリックの薄っぺらい信仰と権力の大きさ、②フリーメイソンのうさん臭さ、③大阪人でさえほぼ無視している大阪スカイビルが、2008年に突然、英国の出版社から「世界の建造物20選」に選ばれたこと。その賞にはパルテノン神殿サグラダファミリアなど世界中で知られているような建物しか他に選ばれておらず、当時日本でニュースになった。スカイビルは歴史も業績も芸術性も大してないわけで、自分は大変不審に思っていた。 これらの理由がはっきりと説明できるわけである。







(訳: ご存じですか?第二次世界大戦の後、アメリカ政府は「ペーパークリップ作戦」というものを秘密裏に立ち上げたことを。戦略情報局(The Office of Strategic Services)という、CIAの前身が、1500人のナチスの科学者と共に、ナチ党の指導者を雇い、アメリカ政府の情報機関や科学機関での重要な役職に就かせました。何の説明もなく、ナチス戦争犯罪者が、その過去を白紙にされ、NASAや後にCIAなど様々なアメリカの機関で、特権的な職を得ることになったのです。)












ビートルズ ジョン・レノン 狂った政府 Beatles John Lennon - YouTube


裏政府カバールの崩壊1~10 字幕《Truth Seekers》


『アウト・オブ・シャドウズ★OUT OF SHADOWS』ハリウッド内部者たちによるドキュメンタリー《翻訳:字幕TRUTH SEEKERS》


ボヘミアンクラブ - Wikipedia 


Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove — Vintage Documentary by Alex Jones (2000)







       ルカの福音書 4章5~8節

ここで、イエスは「それは嘘だ」とは言わなかった。悪魔も神の子に対して間違った情報で誘惑すると考えにくい。悪魔は実際に、国々の権力を持っており、悪魔を崇拝する人たちに権力を渡しているのである。これは音楽業界で多くの実例ある。MadonnaLed Zeppelinなど、音楽業界で頂点に輝いているアーティストが悪魔と取引をしたという証拠があるのだ。(※では、悪魔が強くて勝つのか?については別記事に)









使徒の働き 2章40節








使徒行伝 7:23 口語訳





使徒の働き 7章34~35節






半年後の2020年3月、ネットでの出会いを通じてAwakening Tokyo(以下、A.T.)と出会うこととなった。A.T.は奇跡的なぐらい、自分と価値観が合っていた。










一方、医学部をやめるのが神の計画でないとすれば、なぜ、宣教師になろうか考えている段階で、Awakening Tokyoと出会うことになったのか?また、Awakeningは、大卒でもなく、社会経験もない自分をインターンとして使ってくれることにも同意してくれた。これも日本の教会にしては画期的である。(多くの教会は、安定したキャリアを歩んで”食い扶持を確保”することを勧めている。また、慶應の医学部をやめるという危なそうな決断の後押しになることは避けるものだ)。




















Although I did not know it until I entered the school, medical school was like a crystallization of Japan's elite education (i.e., examination system). Everyone who enters medical school endures the ordeal of studying for an entrance exam that makes no sense, in order to overcome the high barriers of the medical school entrance exam. They truly believe that successfully following the common public perception taught in school is the path to success. And even during the six years of medical school, students are forced to study for the CBT (like a center test for basic medicine) and national examinations.

Not only the curriculum, but also the students seemed to be "products of the examination process. (*This is not limited to Keio, and I do not intend to criticize the students.) (*This is not limited to Keio, nor do I intend to criticize the students. (3) They are swept along by their surroundings and do not do what they want to do even if it means risking their own lives. (In many cases, admission to medical school in the first place is the result of being swept away. ) ④ They evaluated everything on a point system and had low self-esteem, and ⑤ They tended to consider it a virtue to work hard to their limits. I still believe that the most important thing for a doctor is a sense of mission to help others. In fact, there were not so many people who could feel that. (I think they were just suppressed by the examinations, and they are the ones who originally have more of a sense of mission.) Many people enter medical school because they come from a family of doctors, because it is a stable job with a high income, or because it was within their reach while they were trying to achieve honors. After entering college, they continue to compare themselves to each other, look down on each other, and constantly live with their own shortcomings, shrinking back. What I particularly disliked about myself was that there were quite a few who looked down on the physically challenged. When making fun of people, it was common for them to say "gaiji" and discriminatory remarks. Witnessing this kind of devastation, I was not inclined to get angry. I was just lamenting the lack of understanding by the public, thinking that it was only natural with this kind of examination system. However, I was well aware that medical school was far from being a place to "give life to others.

(The above story is about my first to third year at the university, and they seemed to have changed after seeing patients suffering in front of their eyes during their clinical training. However, I don't think that all of them have been completely freed from the performance-based approach. Even doctors sometimes show post-examination aftereffects, such as making disparaging remarks about patients).


(This is an example of an unprofessional medical student as published by the Kyoto University School of Medicine. This will give you a better idea of the reality of what I am talking about above)



I think I am partly to blame, but I was already fed up with exam-style studies even before the entrance exam, and I was not at all committed to my studies for the following reasons: I was only interested in psychiatry in the first place, I was repulsed by Western medicine, and I was only interested in nutritional medicine. On the other hand, even before taking the exam, I knew that a bad economy increases mental illness and suicides, and I still wanted to do some research on these issues.

Immediately after the entrance exam, his mother sent him an interesting article that revealed that a Catholic church called Osaka Umeda Church, located on the way to Kawaijuku Osaka School, which he attended during his second year, was behind the whole thing.


The article is as follows,

Claim: Osaka Umeda Church is associated with Freemasonry and worships the devil under the guise of a Christian church.


  1. Osaka Umeda Church has Masonic symbols. The mother organization, the Jesuits and the Catholic Church, also have strong ties to the Masons. 

  1. Osaka Umeda Church celebrates Tanabata Festival even though it is a church, which for some reason cooperates with the Umeda Sky Building. The Umeda Sky Building also has a Masonic symbol.

星は然るべく流れる | to C 別館



3.The decoration of the Osaka Umeda Church does not seem to glorify Christ, but rather is satanic. The same kind of thing can be seen in Catholic centers.

This looks Lucifer rather than an angel

They don't look happy

What are the things above? Are they trying to kill them?

Vatican also makes Satanic decoration


(Original post)

to C: 大阪梅田教会(サクラファミリア)

I found this story very, very interesting, although I don't quite believe it. If this claim is correct, then (1) the sheer faith and power of the Catholics, (2) the ostentatiousness of the Freemasons, and (3) the fact that the Osaka Sky Building, which even the Osaka people largely ignore, was suddenly selected by a British publication in 2008 as one of the "20 World's Greatest Monuments. Only other buildings such as the Parthenon and the Sagrada Familia, which are known around the world, were selected for that award, which made news in Japan at the time. I was very suspicious of the Sky Building, as it had no history, achievements, or artistic merit. This clearly explains why the Sky Building was chosen.



The above article may be classified as a conspiracy theory, but the fact that it had a different angle and clear rationale than the conspiracy theories I had seen before made me see new possibilities. Now that the Masons are being unmasked, but at the time the world had not experienced the Trump election or the Coronas, 99.9% of the conspiracy theories were garbage. Conspiracy theorists were mostly preaching "man-made earthquakes," "chemtrails," "Jewish world domination," "9/11 conspiracy theories," "the identity of the Satanic number 666," and "Freemasonry world domination" on thin evidence. The evidence presented was not systematic, very indirect, and included outright lies.

One of the best-known evidence for Masonic world domination is the "all-seeing eye" Masonic symbol on the one-dollar bill. Certainly, this could not have happened by chance.

But if the Masons control the currency, there must be a more direct story as to why the Masons would want to control the currency, such as the presence of Masonic officials in the central bank, but that story is never told. When the same conspiracy theorists introduce the Masons, they say that they are a fraternal organization that believes in liberty, equality, and fraternity and also does charitable work. This is so ridiculous. If you want to control currency, you can't have equality as a creed. If they believed in equality, they would not be interested in world domination. The Masons are a secret society that does not reveal its inner workings. If one honestly considers which is a lie, it is the Masons who are 99.999% suspect. (There are other stories, such as "all U.S. presidents are Masons" and "the Illuminati card is coming true," but they all seem to avoid direct evidence.)

Another well-known conspiracy theorist in Japan is Akio Seki. He has been on TV for years talking about Jews, Masons, and GAFA world domination. But if someone is really controlling the world and Akio Seki is exposing the darkness, why is he on TV? If the world is controlled by them, then TV should be controlled by them. There is no way that a show that tries to expose them would last for years. As the comfort women issue and the K-pop boom show, Japanese TV stations have also been heavily influenced by Korean manipulation. If that is the case, there are only two possibilities for Akio Seki to be on TV. Either because world domination is a lie to begin with, or because he is a pawn of the rulers. However, it is hard to believe that world domination is a lie. The CIA affects countries all over the world and is unknown to most people. And what makes the CIA tick is rather mysterious. For example, immediately after the war ended, the CIA carried out "Operation Paperclip," in which it "rescued" numerous scientists and political leaders from the Nazis in Germany, pretending that they had committed no war crimes, and put them to work at home and abroad. This appointment is rather creepy considering that the U.S. and Germany had been enemies until shortly before and the victorious powers have always criticized the Nazis as the absolute evil. 


There are two obvious dubious points about the Masons that have been overlooked: first, the requirements for membership. One is adherence to a single religion. If it is really just a fraternal organization, it is unnatural to make religion a requirement. The second is the "all-seeing eye" symbol. The use of a symbol itself is unnatural, and "all-seeing" is something that only God Almighty can do. The use of an ancient Egyptian pyramid as a symbol is also puzzling, as it seems to have no connection to any place or time.


The all-seeing eye has become an iconic radio show.

The theory that provides a clear answer to many of these things is that the Masons are a Satanic organization. If that were the case, it would explain why they regularly hold rituals after joining, why they keep their content secret, why they try to attract career-minded and powerful people, why they try to control currency, why they have an unusually long history for a charitable organization, and why they use god-like symbols.

If the Masons are devil worshippers, it becomes clear that they seem to be connected to Catholics (especially Jesuits), as the article above suggests.

The next core story is that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are involved with the Illuminati, the Masons' higher organization, and their goal of Satanism. As noted in this link, that Rothschild has historically been found to control banking, currency, media, energy, and education.



This theory is so big a story that it would take quite a bit of research to eliminate all disprovability and be certain. Now, there are videos that exist that seem to summarize the key evidence, so it will be much clearer if you watch them. If I tried to show the evidence here, it would be voluminous and would distract from the subject of this article, so I will keep it to the core points. If you are interested, please do your own research. (*Details will probably be in another article.)(If you have any other video recommendations for a summary, please let me know.)

ビートルズ ジョン・レノン 狂った政府 Beatles John Lennon - YouTube


裏政府カバールの崩壊1~10 字幕《Truth Seekers》


『アウト・オブ・シャドウズ★OUT OF SHADOWS』ハリウッド内部者たちによるドキュメンタリー《翻訳:字幕TRUTH SEEKERS》


The Secret Society of Bohemian Club

Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove — Vintage Documentary by Alex Jones (2000)

If you could see that Satanism is not a thing of the past, you don't need to watch it all.


All of these stories are big enough to make your head spin. After all, they are all about the devil's work, everything that has ever seemed vaguely creepy to us. Governments, multinational corporations, wars, media, movies, music, religion, culture, and everything in between. Some people may say, "Now I understand what the sense of inconvenience and helplessness that I have been feeling is.

But if you are a Christian, the story should make more sense to you. The devil is not powerless. When he rebelled, one-third of heaven joined him. And yet, I have never seen anyone who can explain exactly what the devil is actually doing. It is strange that God is helping mankind in every way, while the devil only tempts people to murder, robbery, and other obvious sins. It is also known in Christian circles that "somehow the world is infested with the theory of evolution, which has many strange points but cannot be overturned," and that "somehow abortion is legal in the world. The reason for this can be more clearly explained if we know the domination of the enemy. It is also well known to Christians that the devil is always trying to imitate God. It is known that cults are demonic, but it is not surprising that the devil is directly creating Satanism. It is hard to imagine the devil working only with spirits while God is working with people. Also, in Revelation, the enemy builds up a nation, which is likened to Babylon. It says that its dominion is not only religious but also manifold (chapter 19). It also says that Babylon will put its mark on much of humanity so that no one will be able to buy or sell anything without it.

It also says in Luke's Gospel.

"Then the devil took Jesus on high and in a moment showed him all the nations of the world, saying. 'All this power and glory of the nations I will give you. For it is up to me, and I will give it to whomever I wish.

Therefore, if you bow down before me, everything will be yours."

Jesus answered the devil. "'Worship the Lord your God,' he wrote. It is written, 'Serve the Lord only.'"

       Luke 4:5-8.


Here Jesus did not say, "That is a lie." It is hard to believe that the devil would also tempt the Son of God with false information. The devil does, in fact, have power over the nations, and he passes power to those who worship him. (*So, is the devil strong and will he win? for another article)


Knowing these things, I have come to despair completely. All the problems I had noticed so far had a common root. Japanese education was created by GHQ after the war. Before the war, there were no cramming-type examinations. The GHQ was headed by the OSS, the predecessor of the CIA, which was a den of Satanists called Kabbalah. As for the recession, the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance played a major role, with the CIA influencing both of them. Also controlling the central banks themselves are the Rothschilds. Western medicine is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, which have strong ties to the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers are also Satanists. Medical school, which combines psychiatry and examinations, seemed to me to be a pack of lies of the enemy. I felt pity for my friends who were forced to suffer through futile studies in order to "save lives.

In the end, I realized that each of the social problems I was feeling was rooted in a far deeper problem than I had ever imagined, Satanism, and was connected to every other problem in every other field. Satanism dates back to ancient Babylon. There is no way to beat this kind of thing no matter how hard you try. Like many Christians at the time, I believed that the world was going to get worse and worse and that God would get tired of it and bring judgment on the world and that would be the end of the world. That was one of the reasons for my despair.

Here is another amazing story: I knew the Bible well at the time, but I had never experienced God's love. I had not experienced being born again by faith and could not call myself a Christian. In the midst of despair, having lost sight of my purpose in life, I continued to search for a way to somehow solve these problems. For a total of two years, I continued to research the enemy, only to despair as I became more and more aware of the magnitude of the problem. I felt that my life had no value at all. I thought I would rather die quickly and go to heaven than serve in vain for the sake of justice. I was truly fed up with life. (Here, the only reason I didn't get mentally ill was because I was fucking healthy, thanks to my supplements.)

I was getting out of control and suddenly thought, "I should talk to someone at church about it. Naturally, I didn't talk about Masonry, but just told him that I despaired of society and didn't understand the meaning of life. I just told him, "I despair of society and don't understand the meaning of life. Then he said, "Then you should experience the love of Christ. Christ died for you on the cross, and if you experience that kind of great love, you will have hope in every moment." After 22 years of attending church and hearing hundreds of sermons about God's love, I wondered if there was anything I still didn't know. I thought. But there was really nothing else I could do, and I thought, "Maybe I really don't know love. But even if I did know God's love, I would know it more deeply, and that might change things, so I thought, "Let's pray anyway.

Amazingly, a month later I was to experience God's love. It was as if God said, "I have been waiting for this moment! It was as if God was saying, "I've been waiting for this! It is true that I believed in Christianity in my head when I was in junior high school, but I did not experience it. And although I believed at that time, I had never sought God. I think this was important. In the service that day, the pastor was talking about "being born again (with faith). It was a theme I had actually heard many times before. But that week, I was watching pornography and being late for church, and I felt that I had not been born again. Suddenly I thought, "Maybe the reason my pastor talks about this over and over again is because God is speaking to me." Then I felt as if Christ, not the pastor, was patiently speaking to me. In that moment, I knew that I was still separated from God, that I was still sinning, and that God was speaking to me over and over again because of it. What patience! I had never experienced that kind of love from friends, family, or anyone else. In that moment, I felt connected to God, as the Bible says. For about two weeks, I thought back to God and cried over my inadequacy. Then I received that great love and began to genuinely want to live for God. Until then, he had not really found any value in his life. It seemed only natural that God had literally saved me from that.

Here, God gave me something more than "love" and "salvation. The purpose of life." The reason I had been researching various social issues was because I wanted to "help the afflicted and the weak. After experiencing God's love, I thought that if "the afflicted" and "the socially vulnerable" experienced this love, they would have hope for their lives. Isn't this the best contribution I can make? I began to think that this was the best contribution I could make. Secondly, the reason why social problems are so widespread is because of people's self-centered (i.e., God-less) way of life. The rulers are exploiting the people for their own power and pleasure, and the people, when they see a problem, ignore it because they only care about themselves. I thought that this could be fundamentally solved if people were changed by God's love to live for Him and for others. If so, I would not become a doctor, but an evangelist (a kind of missionary. I thought I should become an evangelist (a kind of missionary, a person who communicates God's love). Originally, I did not want to solve only medical problems, nor did I want to help only the mentally ill. I wanted to solve a fundamental problem. I thought that, no matter how I looked at it, being a preacher fit what I wanted to do. The Bible also says.

"(After speaking the gospel) Peter testified with many other words, exhorting them, saying, 'Be saved from this crooked age.'"

Acts 2:40.


To be saved in Christ is to be saved not only from our own sins, but also from the world. Because we know that God is always with us, drawing us to Him after death. (This is not a metaphor or a comforting thought, but a real experience. If you are curious, please look up near-death experiences.) That is why Christ's disciples were able to endure persecution even in the face of death. Because their hope after death was so great. No matter how bad the world is today, surely they found that Christianity could not only be a force against that evil, but could also deliver people. Three birds with one stone.


However, dropping out of medical school to become a missionary is unheard of, and it is a big deal that will affect my life. It might even cause trouble for my parents. As expected, I was cautious and decided to pray and ask God's will. While I was waiting for a response, uninteresting and empty medical science was going on at school, and I felt as if I was being distracted from the purpose of my life. Whenever I had time, I would go to the roof of a church that was held in a rented conference room in Shibuya, watch the crowds passing in front of 109, and pray that they would be saved. He said, "God, please raise up someone to share your love to this nation. I am not confident that I can do it well, but if you think it is good, send me myself," he prayed.

Readers may think that at this point I was so fired up with faith that I was praying every day. That is not the case at all. I still believed that the world was going to end in the wrath of God, I wasn't sure about my calling, my lifestyle was a mess, and I was shredded by the frustrations of the past. After all, I had only been to the rooftop about five times. I didn't pray that much at home either.


The pic from the rooftop

But God answered this prayer: five months later, in June 2019, when I attended a church Bible study, the pastor unusually forgot his teaching materials. So, instead of using teaching materials, the pastor assigned a passage from the Bible reading chart and we all read the Bible together. The assigned passage was Acts 7:23-43. Here, Stephen summarizes the life of Moses and tells the Jews about him. (I remember thinking, "What is there to learn from such a minor passage? But as I was reading, one passage caught my attention.

"When Moses was 40 years old, he decided to devote himself to his brothers, the Israelites."

Acts 7:23, trans.


This description is not found in the book of Exodus, which describes the life of Moses. It was interesting that Stephen mentions it. I was thinking about why Moses was doing this for the Israelites... and then, poof, I realized that Moses and I were in a similar situation.

"Moses was instructed in all the learning of the Egyptians and was powerful in word and deed."

Verse 22.

(He wanted to serve the Israelites), "When he saw one of his brethren being mistreated, he defended him and struck the Egyptian dead to get back at him for the terrible treatment he had suffered.

Moses thought that everyone would understand that God was going to provide salvation for his fellow man by his own hand, but they did not."

Verses 24-25.

(After being rejected and fleeing, he hears God's voice)

"I have indeed seen the affliction of my people in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning. And I heard their groaning. Therefore I have come down to deliver them. Go now. I will send thee into Egypt.

This Moses, whom the people rejected, saying, 'Who appointed you as a leader and a judge?' God sent him as a leader and a deliverer by the hand of an angel who appeared to him in a bush of bushes."

Acts 7:34-35


Sure, I wanted to help people and contribute to society, but this is the same as serving people. And I have received a lot of good education myself. After trying to help people in my own strength, I realized that I could not do anything and was frustrated. For God, it was not willful for the Israelites to live in peace in Egypt. It was not a radical solution. He wanted them to leave Egypt and enter the Promised Land of Canaan. Likewise, it was not in God's heart to promote nutritional therapy in psychiatry or to improve the Japanese economy. It was not a fundamental solution. What God wanted was for the Japanese to turn to Him for salvation. That is to enter the promised land of heaven. Here, I realized that there was a beautiful contrast with my own life. And only God could give such a profound revelation in this mysterious circumstance, in this mysterious biblical passage. He sensed that he was called to missions and to the salvation of Japan.

Still, he was not yet sure about quitting medical school. Normally, I would have thought that doing missionary work while also using my position as a physician would generally be a good choice. However, I was not convinced that I should spend another four years studying there after knowing so much about the evils of Western medicine. At any rate, I decided to start talking to people around me and began telling people at church and my parents how I felt and what I had been through. (However, I found that they were not likely to understand me after talking a little about one of the core issues, the workings of the devil.) First, the people in the Baptist church I was enrolled in were so entrenched in traditional norms (≒common sense) that they opposed me before they heard God's intentions. As for the parents, they were trying to escape the reality that their son was about to quit medical school in the first place. They did not even look over the materials I had asked them to look at, and they tried to manipulate my decision making by threatening to cancel their house if I left the university. Reluctantly, I felt that the path to becoming a missionary was not yet open to me. However, since I thought it was very likely that quitting medical school was God's plan, I began to wonder if the Baptist church itself was wrong. The Baptist church had been foolishly following Luther's Reformation teaching of "only the Bible," and believed that only the teachings of the Bible could change Japan. On the other hand, I researched the workings of the devil and learned that Satanists are still using evil spirits to take lives and put people into psychosis.



I thought that the fact that God's side is only the Bible, while they are trying to control everything in the world and work supernaturally, is not a good minute. In fact, I could only assume things were getting worse. So, while researching various methods, I came across the charismatic faith (those who work with the Spirit of God).

Six months later, in March 2020, I met Awakening Tokyo (A.T.) through an online encounter.

A.T. was miraculously in tune with my values.

I was able to meet with him and he was very kind to me.

He was of the opinion that "it is possible that God is leading him to quit the medical school. (However, the pastor was neutral at first. (However, the pastor was neutral at first, citing Paul's use of Roman citizenship.)

He also believed that the gospel should not remain within the church, but should have an impact on society. ⇒This suits me, as I want to solve social problems. (Close to Christian Reconstructionism.)

He believed that when there is a wound in the heart, receiving love and truth from the Spirit of God can heal the wound. I experienced it myself and it was true. This made me feel even less need to become a psychiatrist.

I valued the spirit of God and the art of creating. I felt that Japanese society had a habit of comparison that had become ingrained in me through studying for entrance exams. I felt strongly that this could be resolved through art.

I was given a prophetic view of my potential, which was in tatters at the time. Until then, I had consulted many missionaries, doctors, and Christians about my career path, but no one had guessed my calling. And most of them were opposed to quitting medical school based on common sense, without listening to God's will.


In the meantime, because of my lack of commitment to college studies and immature self-discipline, I failed my anatomy credits and had to stay in school. In previous years, it was a course that all students passed, but apparently the professor had changed and the policy had also changed. If it had been God's plan for me to stay in medical school, I believe He would have allowed me to advance myself. If I had stayed, I would have had to spend one year and 3.6 million yen on anatomy, a subject that seemed to have little to do with my future, and I felt that I should not do such a foolish thing.

On the other hand, if it was not God's plan for me to quit medical school, how did I come across Awakening Tokyo when I was thinking about becoming a missionary? Awakening also agreed to use me as an intern, even though I had no college degree and no social experience. This is also groundbreaking for a Japanese church. (Many churches encourage people to have a stable career and "make ends meet. (Many churches recommend that you have a stable career and "make ends meet," and avoid encouraging a risky decision to quit medical school at Keio University.)

The title says "quitting medical school..." but I haven't quit yet. At ordinary universities, a leave of absence is only allowed for two years or is very expensive, but Keio was the only university that miraculously allowed me to take a leave of absence for an extended period of time for 60,000 yen per year. If that is the case, you can take a leave of absence to explore the situation further while doing an internship at Awakening. And now, in my third year of leave of absence, I have had no desire to return to the university at all.


In light of these circumstances, my impressions after praying, and my feelings and experiences, I have come to the decision to quit medical school and become a missionary.



Common objections

Don't you feel bad about wasting the money your parents gave you for college tuition and entrance exams?

I am grateful to my parents for raising me, but I am not grateful to them about college admissions. It is quite possible that I would not have gone to medical school myself if my parents had used that method of parenting. I was able to come to Keio because of various coincidences (my brother's disability and my encounter with a homeschool-like intellectual education) that gave me the ambition to be a good student.

I thought that entering medical school was God's plan (will) and that I should graduate.

Before entering medical school, I did not have faith. Becoming a doctor was my self-realization at that time. So it was most likely not God's plan for me to come to medical school. After entering the school, he despaired of becoming a doctor. That is how he was able to enter into faith and the call to become a missionary. If that is the case, then despairing to become a doctor was God's leading. It is unnatural to return to that path.

Keio University's medical school is an amazing place, isn't it? It's a place where ordinary people can't get in, and it would be a shame to throw that away!

The revival in Japan that I hope to see is a narrower path than graduating from Keio Medical School, and God's rewards are far more valuable than academic credentials. So I'm not interested in what's great or whatever; it's more of a waste to spend 4 years and 14.4 million yen in my 20s on my enemies.

I am not interested in what is great and what is not, so why not spend 4 years of my 20s and 14.4 million yen on my enemies?

I believe that God has prepared such a path for some people. It is just that I feel otherwise. If I ever feel that way, I started my internship with the intention of going back to college as soon as possible, but that won't happen anymore.


何故私が医学部を辞めて宣教師になろうと思ったか(中編) How I decided to quit the medical school and be a missionary(Part 2)

(English Below)




  1. 学習内容が一般的にどう生徒の人生に関係するかが不明瞭。


  2. 学習内容が個人個人の人生に沿っていない。


  3. 学習方法が本来の学習とかけ離れている。



上記で挙げたような日本の現状はあまりに長い間、世界でも標準とされているため、それを変えた教育など不可能じゃないか?と思われるかもしれない。しかし、これらを改善した教育は存在する。一つは、キリストの弟子訓練。もう一つは、モンテッソーリ教育だ。藤井聡太が出てきた時、彼の才能を伸ばしたとして注目された”生徒個人に合わせた探求型の教育手法”である。他にもMicrosoft, Google, Amazon, Facebookの創業者をふくめた多くの著名人もこの教育を受けたらしい。


ビル・ゲイツやイーロン・マスク、藤井聡太も受けていた「モンテッソーリ教育」とは? | Business Insider Japan
















  • 日本は30年間不景気であるが、不景気の時は、民衆にお金がないので、政府がお金を使って景気を回復させるべきである。日本政府(特に財務省)は国の借金を気にして、政府の出費を削り、消費税率を引き上げて、税収を増やそうとしている。これらは、どちらも民衆のお金を減らすので逆効果である。
  • ”国の財政破綻論””国民の借金が~万円””それゆえ消費税も引き上げるべき”というのは財務省の圧力でマスコミが推している説で、これは全くの誤りである。
  • 景気が悪くなると自殺者数は増える。日本の不況は自殺者数を増やしている。
    自殺者数と景気の関係 - NTTコム リサーチ 調査結果










CIA:世界最凶のテロリスト (2020) - YouTube

CIA:戦争とフェイクニュース (1986) - YouTube

An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity - YouTube












統合失調症 本当の理由





















From here on, I will write in detail, as these contents will all be contrary to popular opinion.


・Doubt the educational system after entering high school

In contrast to the turbulence before the exam, the entrance exam went so well. Now I could enter the school I have been preparing for four years, sacrificing numerous things. I had expected that in a school with a liberal school culture and high standards, there would be no boring classes. These expectations were quickly betrayed. After all, as long as schools are looking ahead to the university entrance exam, the main focus of schools is to teach "according to the textbook" and "according to the curriculum. Most of the classes were boring. I was at fault for not getting enough sleep, but I think there was an overall reason for this, as other students seemed to be bored as well. It was mainly the following. (I am not undermining the teachers who work at the school, but the point is that the school system is problematic.) (*This is a deep topic and will be discussed in detail in another article)

  1. It is unclear how the content of learning relates to students' lives in general.

    I feel that the main goal of Japanese school education system as a whole is to "study academically (≒ go to university)" rather than to "nurutre full-grown people". In elementary school, they teach arithmetic such as "least common multiple", Japanese grammar, and hibernating organisms. I am sure that only a handful of people use these knowledge in real life after growing up.
    On the other hand, items that we are sure to come into contact with in our lives, such as "self-management," "human relations," "memory," "money," and "purpose in life," are not mentioned at all.
    So, the answer to why only these things are learned is probably "because they are the foundation of academic studying. Grammar leads to ancient grammar and linguistics, and hibernation leads to biology. Studying in itself is a good thing, because it deepens our understanding of the world and improves our lives. But in school, these things are not considered much. I believe that all teachers teaches these things only because they are written in the textbooks or because they will be on the entrance exam. A system has been established by the authority of the government, and the education industry and society revolve around it, but when one looks inside the system, nothing exsists there! One proof of this is the fact that many people now go to high school and college, but their education is almost unappreciated, and their purpose is just to obtain a high school or college degree.

  2. The content of learning is not in line with the life of each individual.

    In most schools (other than vocational schools), all subjects are taught evenly in all subjects. Because the government wanted them to teach like that. Entrance examinations also cover all fields of study. Therefore, students are forced to learn things that do not match their interests. I believe where one's interests lie, one also has talents. Talents plays a key in one's life. Learning what one is not interested in is the same as learning what is not relevant to one's life.
    Under the current system, even if one wants to become a seagrass researcher in high school, the university entrance exam does not test the depth of one's knowledge of seagrasses, and one must learn many things unrelated to seagrasses, such as history, chemistry, and ancient texts. It is hard to see how this would be useful for seagrass research. The same can be said for programmers and cooks.

  3. The method of learning is far removed from the original learning process.

    Even if you do study academiclly in school, the current way is bad. Academics and schools are far apart. Studying should be an independent pursuit of the individual interest. The school curriculum does not cater to students' interests. Students have to learn passively. Students don't learn how they should hypothesis and test, which is the fundamentals of science. They do not experience discovery through learning. Students are given questions that already have answers, and are taught superficial answers by teachers. I think this is also because the University entrance exam is set to be their goal. (The more I think about it, the more I wonder why.) I think that the current education system allows students to graduate from school as experts in passing entrance exams, rather than as intellectuals or researchers, even though they are studying something that looks like an academic subject.


The current educational system in Japan, as mentioned above, has also been the standard in the world for so long. You may think that it is impossible to change these points. However, there are some ways that already achieve it. One is Christ's discipleship training. The other is Montessori education. When Sota Fujii (prominently competitive Japanese chess prayer) got famous, this "heuristic education method tailored to the individual student" attracted much attention for having developped his talents. Many other famous people, including the founders of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook, have also received this education method.

In the world where T-shaped skills is a key to success, Montessori must be effective in developing individual talents, while the public education system forces students to develop all kinds of academic skills. Almost all Japanese people are wasting a lot of time and talent by this system. I thought Japanese people should have been outraged by the news about the effectiveness of Montessori education. (By the way, there is a culture of exploratory extracurricular activities in Nada as well, and they have achieved a great deal.)


However, I could not explain these things when I was in high school. Now I can point the weak point of the system because I have received the discipleship of God. At that time, I just intuitively thought, "Something is not right". I could not bring myself in studying. Other students were studying normally. It was because I remember the joy in the intellectual education, which was more like a homeschool. I thought that the inorganic study in a school could easily be turned into an intellectual education that was full of joy. I thought at the time that the only reason this was not happening was simply because the government lacked vision. These things led to my interest in politics.



・Interest in Politics after the Great East Japan Earthquake


I was 14 years old when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred. When I entered high school, nuclear power plants all over Japan remained shut down. On TV, many experts were discussing whether or not to restart nuclear power plants for hours, everyday. But surprisingly, no one was making a clear argument. One side were saying that nuclear power plants should be shut down because accidents like Fukushima might occur in the future again, while the others were saying they should restart the power plants in order to keep electricity costs low. Since these arguments speak from separate perspectives, the debates went nowhere. In the end, the government somehow decided to restart nuclear power plants, and the public somehow accepted that fact.

Apparently, the government seemed to have a reason for restarting power plants. Mass media pointed out that it was due to the collusion of nuclear industry and government. , but that too was not a convincing explanation. The reason is that the government has made policy that removes huge collusion between government and industry like the privatization of Japan Post and the privatization of the Japanese National Railways. How could it be impossible to change the nuclear industry, facing an accident second to Chernobyl?

I was very dissatisfied with the way things were going. There is only one answer to the question of whether or not to reopen the plant. Yet, I felt that the core of the issue was being obscured as the story progressed. The public was oblivious, journalists were unable to cut to the chase, politicians were running for cover, and no one seemed able to address the issue. I felt that these things only came to light by accident due to the nuclear accident, and that there are probably other, deeper problems.


At the time, I was thinking if I could deal with bigger problems, I could have more influence and be more successful. So I started looking for other deeper problems in our society. Then I was lucky enough to meet someone online who taught economics. Economics really matched my interest. In fact, good economic policies can prevent people from falling into poverty, and increase their level of happiness. 

 I learned these things below. (*I'll write in detail in another article)

・Japan has been in a recession for 30 years. During a recession, the government should spend money to restore the economy because the people have less money. The Japanese government (especially the Ministry of Finance) is concerned about the national debt and is trying to increase tax revenues by cutting government spending and raising the consumption tax rate. These are both counterproductive because they reduce the people's money.
・The media, under pressure from the Ministry of Finance, is pushing the "national financial collapse" theory, and the "consumption tax should therefore be raised. This is a completely false.
The number of suicides increases as the economy worsens. Japan's recession is increasing the number of suicides.

Economic uncertainty and suicide in the United States - PMC

The key point here is the number of suicides. Bad politics leads to people dying on a large scale. The Japanese government apparently has not been able to do anything about it, despite the fact that economics has the answer to how to do it.


・The Conspiracy of Intelligence


After that, I did further research and found out the following


(1) The U.S. is secretly influencing far more countries than Japanese people realize. The CIA is working for this.

A few months before 9/11, Forein Affairs magazine carried an article about the possibility of terrorism, and a CIA report also mentioned Afghan terrorists. It is highly possible that the U.S. government intentionally missed the terrorist attack.
What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11 - CBS News

It is very likely that all Japanese territorial disputes were created by the CIA. (In the case of Takeshima, it has been revealed that the then South Korean President was connected to the CIA.)
千勝先生が解説!「北方領土問題」は仕組まれていた…!?北方領土侵攻・占拠はもっとも成功した〇〇共同作戦であった!【DIY cafe 林千勝】#092 - YouTube

There is no doubt that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, which triggered the Vietnam War, was also a fabrication of the United States.

今、語られるアメリカの真実 第7話 「ベトナム戦争 運命の逆転」vol.1 - ニコニコ動画

Newly Declassified National Security Agency History Questions Early Vietnam War Communications Intelligence


The CIA is a secret organization that is naturally involved in conspiracies. It is a solid story that can be proven with a political approach. There is plenty of other evidence to the same effect.

CIA:世界最凶のテロリスト (2020) - YouTube

CIA:戦争とフェイクニュース (1986) - YouTube

An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins | TEDxTraverseCity - YouTube


For most people, it is not known that the heart of the US is pursuing its own interests, even at the cost of kicking down other countries and killing large numbers of people. Of the above examples, the territorial issue is an ongoing story, and there were many TV debate programs around 2012 when Japan-China relations were deteriorating. However, none of the speakers addressed the essence of the issue, which is the United States. At the time, I thought this was only because TV was in the grip of the United States.

At any rate, in this way, I satisfied my curiosity of the moment and did what I felt I should do, and as a result, quite naturally, I became a high school student with an unusual worldview.


・A friend's schizophrenia and career decision

Time went back again, and when I was 15 years old, a childhood friend of mine became schizophrenic. The cause was that his parents neglected him. At first, it was nothing more than hallucinations and babbling. However, the doctors did not address the mental problems at all, but only prescribed medication. The amount of medication he took steadily increased, at times up to 40 pills a day. By that time, the side effects were clearly visible. He was slurring his words, gaining weight, and unable to hold a normal conversation due to a lack of concentration. Every few hours he would get "so sick that he couldn't move unless he took the pills.

This was a shocking experience for me, as I have a brother with a disability. One day, a friend of mine who was living a normal life and playing with him became a cripple who could not even live a normal life.

Based on my experience with the supplement, I and my mother felt that the medication could only be a temporary aid, but in the long run, it would destroy the body's mechanisms (I wondered if this was not schizophrenia, but a side effect. I thought. I invited him to church to see if we could help him with his mental health issues, but it didn't seem to resonate with him at the time. He was from a neglectful family and his diet was out of control, so we recommended our own supplements as an example. Again, we cannot conclude this, but the fact is that while he was taking the supplement, his medication dosage decreased. However, when he was about to take one more pill, his parents stopped the supplements or something, and he stopped taking them. After that, his medication dose increased again, and when he felt threatened and resumed the supplements, his medication dose decreased. (This process was repeated at least three times). I know this sounds strange, but I believe this is because he didn't really want to get better. He needed his parents' love. And I think in the back of his mind, he was hoping that his parents would turn to him because of his illness.

(If you cannot believe this, I recommend you to read this book.

What Really Causes Schizophrenia: Amazon.co.uk: Foster, Harold D.: 9781412015318: Books

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America - Kindle edition by Whitaker, Robert. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.



Now, in the second half of my senior year, I had to decide whether to pursue a liberal arts or science degree in college. As I mentioned above, I wanted to deal with as big a problem as possible in order to become successful, so I had three choices.

They were political economy, education, and medicine. When I saw that economics was doing the right thing but policy was doing the wrong thing, it seemed to me that what Japan needed was not academics piecing together theories at their desks, but reformers who would put their hands into society. For this reason, I felt that it was not necessary to study the first two subjects in particular at university. On the other hand, if he became a doctor, he could open a private school, run for national office, or work as a two-legged stool. In addition, being a doctor would suit my calm personality and my desire to help the weak. With this in mind, I decided to pursue medical school.

The next decision I had to make was which school to apply to. Since I wanted to have an impact on society in the future, I thought I should go to a university with a high deviation score. I also thought that if I got good grades in high school and put in the effort to study, I would be able to go to such a university. For various other reasons, I aimed to go to the University of Tokyo. (Some people may think this was a very bad decision, but I think it was not so bad because if I had not aimed for Tokyo University, I would have gone to a regional university and would not be where I am today.)


・The examinations that would come again and the crack between parent and child

Once I made that decision, I had to change the color of my eyes and study, and I thought it would indeed change, but it did not change until the very end. The first reason was that I felt an indescribable sense of discomfort in studying for the entrance examination, and the second reason was that my lifestyle had gone haywire due to a school life with little sense of purpose. At the time, I didn't even know why I couldn't have a sense of purpose, and I just thought I was a weak-willed person who was running away from my studies. This guilt made me feel that I had to force myself to have a better life, which led me to stay up even later.

My mother also chided me for my situation, saying, "You're weak-willed!" she would taunt me. My parents only voiced their righteous opinions when they saw a problem and took strong-arm measures. If I stayed up late into the night, they would tell me to get to bed, and if I didn't comply, they would turn off the lights.

One time, the same thing went on so long that his mother took his computer and broke it by throwing it in the yard. I thought to myself, "She hasn't changed since she broke my PSP in the high school entrance exam. I knew that getting back at her in the same way here would not move the story forward, so I just made the decision that I would run away from this house for college and kept quiet.

As such, I failed the current entrance exam as a matter of course. I thought I was going to pass the exam after one year, but reality was not so sweet, and I failed again. At this point, I was mentally exhausted. My high school life was also a dull three years, as I fell into a swamp of sleep deprivation, not knowing why. I managed to stay at my desk for a little over two years while suppressing my mind's cries of "I don't want to study for exams." I thought I had had enough of taking entrance exams and wanted to enroll in Osaka Medical College, which I had been accepted to. Then his mother cried. She wanted me to waste another year and go to a university with a higher deviation score, since I had studied hard since I was in elementary school and could go to a good university. Somehow I felt that going to Osaka Medical College was not the right choice for me, so I decided to take a second chance. When I was brooding over my decision, my mother told me, "When I was a student, I thought I was going to do a ninani. If she really thought so, what did she do about it? She did nothing. What is behind this statement is that "the second grade is the natural result of your self-indulgent lifestyle, and as a parent, I am not responsible for it. Incidentally, the father has not appeared in the story so far, not because he was fulfilling his role as a father properly, but because he was busy with his work and hobbies and did not touch his own education at all.

Clearly, the parents do not understand their role as parents. (Now, I don't blame them for that. I believe my parents had their own circumstances and weaknesses.) Since junior high school, I think my parents' commitment to me has been limited to "good friends. If a stranger with the same level of friendship had to raise me as a junior high school student, if they had the same financial resources as my family and if my grades were good, they would have paid for cram school without hesitation, and they would have cooked meals out of a sense of duty as a parent. And if I had had some troublesome problems, they would have tried to solve them by throwing a PC at me, without much consultation.

For a group of people striving for better grades and better colleges, being a ronin was a shameful failure. Of the 1.2 million people born in 1996, only about 7,000 were said to be second-graders. Surrounded by fluorescent lights and plastic desks, I spent my days with little enjoyment, tormented by feelings of remorse. I had only one thing to do, study for the entrance exam, but the year seemed shorter than I had imagined. And then, I was accepted to Keio University.





何故私が医学部を辞めて宣教師になろうと思ったか(前編) How I decided to quit the medical school and be a missionary(Part 1)


(English Below)









世間には薬機法というものがあり、医薬品ではないサプリメントの効果は書いてはいけない。なので、結論だけ書いて解釈は読者にお任せするが、通院では一向に症状が改善しなかった弟の風邪癖、アレルギー性鼻炎は、このサプリメントを飲み始めた数年後にはなくなっていた。それだけでなく、母の喘息、自分のアレルギー性鼻炎、花粉症も完全になくなったのである。特に、母は病院で処方されたステロイドにより、手に震えがみられるようになっていた。だから、この変化はかなり大きかった。そのサプリメント愛用者の中には、他にも癌、糖尿病、心臓病など様々な病気の人がいる。多くのことは言えないが、彼らは大いに製品に満足している。この経験により、母も自分も西洋医学に期待しなくなった。"人の身体というのは健康になるように造られており、病気になるのは栄養が足りずに身体の機能(免疫力、生理機能など)が機能不全だからだ。薬は症状を抑えるだけで、根本的な解決にはならない。不足した栄養を補う栄養療法こそがより良い治療だ"と考えることになった。(この話が信じられない人は、"第3の生命鎖 糖鎖""分子整合栄養療法の症例"などを調べてほしい。それから、西洋医学が常に悪いわけではなく、急性の病気や感染症には有効だと考えている)。









Looking back, I have rarely spoken about my whole life. It is too long a story to tell in everyday conversation. As a result, my decision to quit medical school and become a missionary, which was born out of that long story, has not been understood. When people ask me about it, I can explain it only partially. And they don't usually get convinced by my explaination. So, I have wanted to give a whole one at some point. Also, this story is helpful in understanding my vision and passion as a missionary. Thus, I decided to write this article now before I start to work as a full-fledged missionary.

First, I have a younger brother who has Down Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. At the time of his birth, he also had a congenital septal defect, a heart problem, which resulted in a major 10-hour surgery. He also had many other health problems that required daily visits to the hospital (ophthalmologist, pediatrician, and otolaryngologist). One time, I said I wanted to be a doctor. I don't know what I thought at that time, but I had a desire to help people.

My mother was trying to get my younger brother a good education so that he could enter a regular school. I was the one who was used as a experiment. Although I doubt that these efforts enhanced my talents, I was able to study better than my peers when I entered elementary school. So I started attending cram school because I did not want to catch up with my classmates and I wanted to  grow my strengths. Without my younger brother, I would not have become the person I am today.

No matter how good my grades got, I did not want to look down on those who could not. I knew very well that I owed my grades to my younger brother, and I also knew that looking down on others would result in others looking down on my brother. In school, those with good grades are praised and those with disabilities are mocked. But it is not up to the individual to decide which he or she will be. One's grade are majorly determined by genetics and family environment. And genes also decides if the person is born with disability or not. So how can you be proud of things you don't achieved? And what right do we have to look down on others? Yet most of people measure each other's worth based on their grades in school. I have felt a strong discomfort with this from an early age. I did not feel I was wrong from many reasons. It was during this time that I learned that "sometimes the wrong ideas are supported by the majority of people in the world."

As is sometimes the case with children who have had heart surgery (source: Association of Parents of Children with Heart Disease), my brother was emotionally unstable. He often tried to relieve his anxiety by attracting my parents' attention. How? By misbehaving: scattering rice, hiding their cell phone, leaving the house without permission and so on. These behavior hurt my mother greatly. At that time she was just about to accept the fact of raising a handicapped child. It must have been a difficult time for her. My mother cried often, and it was hard for me, too. It was also true that this situation made it difficult for my parents to take care of me fully. I don't remember the specific reason, but these experiences made me want to "help those who are in trouble and hurting". More precisely, "I feel disgusted with the world when I see people who are hurting. This childhood experience has left a strong mark on me to this day.


My brother brought a huge infuluence on my life in many areas. One of our acquaintance introduced our family to a supplement as he knew that my brother got sick frequently. The supplement contains nutritients that compose of glycans in our body. Glycans are responsible for intercellular communication, and we don't have enough because of the low-nutritious modern diet.

I cannot write something that assert the effects of supplements because of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. So, I will only write a fact and leave the interpretation to the reader. After my falimies started taking this supplement, my brother rarely got cold and he recovered from allergic rhinitis, which had never improved through taking medications. Not only that, but my mother's asthma and my own allergic rhinitis and hay fever also completely disappeared. In particular, my mother had developed tremors in her hands due to the steroids prescribed. So, this change was quite significant. Among the supplement users are people with various other ailments such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Not much to say, but they are greatly satisfied with the product. Because of this experience, my mother and myself no longer have expectations of Western medicine." The human body is created to be healthy, and the reason we get sick is because our body (immune system, physiology, etc.) gets dysfunctional due to lack of nutrition. Drugs only suppress symptoms and do not solve the underlying problem. Nutritional therapy, which supplements the deficient nutrients, is the better treatment. (If you don't believe this story, check out "The Third Life Chain: Glycans" and "The Case for Orthomolecular Therapy.

One of the reasons this supplement is not widely accepted is that it is somewhat expensive. However, the main reason is that they cannot advertise their effectiveness due to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law is nominally a law that prohibits the expression "supplements are beneficial to the body" in order to prevent the spread of bogus supplements. But who decided that supplements are ineffective? Other industries are regulating hype, which is enough to make it impossible to cheat in business. I thought that the reason the supplement industry is so overly regulated is apparently related to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. This was a major catalyst in deepening my distrust of society throughout junior high and high school.

Going back to my school life, I got good grades thanks to cram school. And I was very bored with the classes. I was thinking "Why should each student have to take the same class when they all have different abilities? "Why doesn't Japan have a grade-skipping system?". However, the school offered some interesting classes even if it was basic. They  appealed to our curiosity. However, according to the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it is enough to teach only the contents of textbooks. I thought we can surely improve the school system.

Later, he was rejected from Nada Junior High School and went to a private school of his third choice. The school was a place that gave students a lot of assignments right from the start in order to improve their academic performance. I liked the students and teachers there, but I didn't like the fact that the school was oriented only toward studying, and there was no freedom. So, I decided to leave the school and go back to public school to take the entrance exam of Nada High School. At this point, I sacrificed my private school friendships and romantic relationships. Since I studied all the time in public school life, I could not enjoy the life there. (However, it was in public school that I had the most fun as a student.) Just before the entrance examinations, I was mentally driven and could no longer suppress the thought that I did not have to work so hard and stoically, and for the first time in five years, I got into playing video games. I had cram school during the day, so I played from 11 pm to 3 am. In an attempt to stop me, my mother threw my game console and broke it, and we had a fight. In the end, she told, "We don't want such a stupid child in our house" and I was kicked out of the house. This was one month before the entrance exam. It was a time when there were no cell phones, and it was difficult for me to find a internet café (which is cheap to stay at night). Remembering Will Smith's "The Pursuit of Happyness" I tried to spend the night in the restroom at JR Osaka Station. However, unlike the U.S., Japanese railroads are well managed, and I was easily kicked out after the last train. I spent the night talking with a homeless man, and I became friends and stayed overnight on the street.

There was a good chance that I would not return home. If a job had been offered to me, I would have definitely chosen to do it. Since my mother had easily gotten rid of me, I didn't think I had a big reason to go back. It was God's guidance that I returned. The next day, after three laps of the beltway, I returned to my hometown, thinking it would be easier to spend time in my hometown, where I knew the area better. While killing time at the library, I met a girl who had come to study before her entrance exam. The girl had heard about my situation from her homeroom teacher at school, so she called her homeroom teacher and my parents.

(To be continued...)